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Glauco Iermano from Italy receives the 2020 Child 10 Award

Glauco Iermano from Italy receives the 2020 Child 10 Award

Tens of thousands of children forced to flee to Europe the last few years have either been exposed to or at great risk of being exposed to child trafficking and exploitation. 

Closed borders, lack of cross-national coordination and the dire and inhumane living conditions in refugee camps and child-care centers put children at particular risk of becoming victims of trafficking, forced labor, human smuggling, criminal activity and sexual exploitation and abuse. Thousands of children are today at danger of disappearing completely under the radar and becoming untraceable in transit and destination countries towards Europe. 

Since Europe closed its borders, children are forced to find other, often more dangerous routes towards Europe, increasing the risks of exploitation from smugglers and traffickers.

Today (18 october 2019), on the EU Anti-Trafficking Day, Child 10 is announcing the 2020 Child 10 Awardees under the theme ‘Children in the hands of Europe’ for their strong commitment in combating child trafficking. 

One of the awardees is Glauco Iermano, the Head of Department of Unaccompanied Minors at DEDALUS Social Cooperative in Naples, Italy. Glauco receives the award for his and DEDALUS’ groundbreaking and dedicated fight to eradicate trafficking of children on the dangerous journey across the Mediterranean Sea and to strengthen the rights of the children seeking refuge in Europe.Q

Glauco Iermano will together with the other nine 2020 Awardees from different countries around the Mediterranean and central Africa be participating in an award ceremony and high-level summit in Malmö in January 2020. 

The summit will be the starting point for the joint work that the Child 10 group will undertake in order to raise awareness and combat the risk of child trafficking and sexual exploitation and abuse on migrant routes to Europe. 

“Glauco is an exceptional, present and dedicated leader, not only for his department but for any children and youth seeking a safe place at Dedalus youth centers and meeting spaces. Together with his team he has during the last years provided support and safe places for thousands of unaccompanied children and youths who otherwise would have been at great risk of trafficking and exploitation, living outside the protection system” says Jacob Flärdh, Secretary General of Child 10.

The ten Awardees will each be awarded with a grant of 10 000 USD as well as a support program with organizational and individual support to strengthen, develop and create sustainability in their organization. 

The Awardees will furthermore join forces throughout 2020 in their advocacy and outreach work to draw attention to and prevent trafficking and sexual exploitation of children.

The 2020 awardees are:

Glauco Iermano and his organization DEDALUS have supported more than 4000 unaccompanied minors over the last ten years. 

Under the leadership and commitment of Glauco, children and youth are guided towards a path of legality, inclusion and opportunity, protecting them from the risk of being trafficked or exploited.

Malmoe, 21 october, Child10 Summit Awardee (Sara Sommer and Glauco)

Malmoe, 21 october 2020, Child10 Summit Awardee
(Glauco, Ezgi, Sofia, Lourdes, Yonous, Gungor, Nantina, Martin)
Glauco Iermano, Centro Nanà/Dedalus Coop Soc, Naples

I 4mila «figli» di Dedalus, che a Napoli accoglie i minori soli Viaggio nella cooperativa che da dieci anni lavora per l’integrazione. Il coordinatore Glauco Iermano è l’unico italiano ad aver vinto il premio «Child 10». E gli ex utenti rimangono per fare i mediatori

I 4mila «figli» di Dedalus, che a Napoli accoglie i minori soli Viaggio nella cooperativa che da dieci anni lavora per l’integrazione. Il coordinatore Glauco Iermano è l’unico italiano ad aver vinto il premio «Child 10». E gli ex utenti rimangono per fare i mediatori

di Alessandra Coppola (Corriere della Sera)

Articolo su Buone Notizie, Corriere della Sera, martedi 21 gennaio 2020

Il premio CHILD10 2020 a Glauco Iermano della cooperativa Dedalus. Per la prima volta un italiano vince questo riconoscimento legato al sostegno dei minori a rischio tratta e sfruttamento

Il premio CHILD10 2020 a Glauco Iermano della cooperativa Dedalus. Per la prima volta un italiano vince questo riconoscimento legato al sostegno dei minori a rischio tratta e sfruttamento

Child 10, fondazione svedese impegnata nel sostenere i minori e le fasce vulnerabili nel mondo, dal 2014 consegna ogni anno un premio a 10 esponenti di organizzazioni del mondo, che si sono distinti nel lavoro sociale ed in particolare nel “sostegno e cura dei minori a rischio di tratta e di sfruttamento che giungono in Europa”, ma è la prima volta che a ricevere il premio è un operatore italiano che, si legge nella motivazione della premiazione, “ha guidato i ragazzi in un percorso di inclusione, legalità e opportunità, proteggendoli dal rischio dello sfruttamento. Un riconoscimento al lavoro ventennale di Glauco Iermano, che dal 2007 è socio della cooperativa sociale Dedalus, che ha fatto dell’inclusione socio-educativa e lavorativa un perno del lavoro con i minori stranieri.

Sara Damber e Jacob Flardl di Child10, in visita alla Dedalus, con Amadou, Dilal e Glauco (agosto 2019)